We B&PLUS went on a business trip to the US!!
Since 2020, B&PLUS's sales department had not been able to go abroard due to the influence of COVISD-19... Last December, at the end of 2022, We went on a business trip to the US for the first time in three years. This time, we will introduce B&PLUS's US office and activities!
B&PLUS develops produces and sells wireless power products!!!! Remote sensor is a sensor that can suplly power and transmit signals wirellesly!!
Please check the URL about remote senors !!→https://www.b-plus-kk.jp/en/product/remote/remote03.html In fact, many types of remote sensors are used in the factories of overseas customers! It is standardly used in automation and equipment! We have received many inquiries from overseas, and have visited various customers this time!
This time, I visited the US branch of B&PLUS on the first day of my business trip!! B&PLUS office is located in a company called AutoEletors (AEL) in OH. AEL support users in the United States!! From Japan B&PLUS supports by using web meetings and business trips!!
Due to the regional characteristics of North America, HONDA's base is nearby, and AEL's president, ELLEN, is a well-known celebrity even at HONDA. It's a quiet environment!! Since it's the Christmas season, it was fun just to see the wide variety of illuminations in every house!! It was winter, so it was cold.
This time, the activity period is from December 12th (Mon) to December 16th (Fri), which is not that long, but we drove through OH, IN, and KY in a rental car! Thank you very much for your support! We will gather the people in charge of design for Lunch & Learn, hold in-house exhibitions, tour factories, and promote remote sensors, as well as various other activities. In particular, the introduction of the remote sensor, which was displayed in the form of an exhibition, was very exciting, as we looked at the actual product and thought that it could be improved in various ways.
12th (Mon) 13th (Tue) OH: Hitachi Astemo/KTH/HONDA/HOKUTO/YAC
14th (Wed) 15th (Thu) IN: TMMI (Toyota Motor Indiana) / AISIN DRIVE LINE / AISIN USA
16th (Fri) KY: TMMK (Toyota Motor Kentucky) / KITO
B&PLUS will continue to promote domestic and international activities!! Meetings, in-house exhibitions, Lunch&Learn, anything is possible!
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!!
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