Unique application!! Wireless power supply gloves !
Special Glove which is equippedwireless power supply !
Five years back. When a student from Steinweiss University in Germany visited B&PLUS for corporate learning, they held an idea meeting for wireless power supply. The student use the cell phone lot, and they'd like to use it with charging without any charging cables. Then they suggest to embed wireless power supply in the glove. We try to made it with the standard coils, flexible coil, etc. And finally, we try to sewed the coil, and realise the wireless chargings. Does it work ???
The glove looks like a normal glove. Inside, you can see the coil sewn. By the way, can you images what is wireless power suply gloves? So, please take a look first.
Succeeded in illuminating the LED freely with flexible coil wireless power supply gloves or sewing type wireless power supply!
Additionally, We made a strange demo machine.
When we put our hand on the box, you can see the contents! !! The glove supply the power to the dimming film and it clreas as the movies. It can be used for a little security or attractions such as a mysterious BOX!
B & Plus is developing various wireless power supplies, so please feel free to contact us if you would like to see various wireless power supplies or hold a demonstration!
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