Notification for discontinuation of Z6-01-R
No. CI-2002e
April 10th, 2020
Notification for discontinuation of Z6-01-R
Please be informed that Z6-01-R will be discontinued because it is difficult to continue selling because of the limited demand for RS-232C connection.
● Item discontinued : Z6-01-R
● Replacement : For customers who needs RS-232C for maintenance, we will introduce Z series Z3-R010-CN RS-232C specification) as a replacement. When the software is ready, our sales staff will inform you again. For details, please contact our sales.The USB specification Z6-01-U will continue to be sold as before.
●Discontinued from April 10th, 2020.
●Contac us : B&PLUS K.K.
E-mail : sales@b-plus-kk.jp
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